Virtual reality is so much more than just the latest gaming craze. Virtual and augmented reality are revolutionizing industries like architecture, manufacturing, medicine, and design. With so many possible applications, VR development for enterprise is booming!
Because of the technical requirements needed to create high-end VR, there's a lot of crossover from the game development industry into this new market of enterprise VR experiences.
Intracon is pretty unique in the VR space because we don't really consider ourselves a VR agency. Instead, we're a training agency using VR as one of many ways to deliver training, sales tools, and marketing materials. So our perspective is a little different from VR-exclusive companies.
Many businesses looking to incorporate VR into something like training need more than the EXE or APK file for successful deployment. Here are just a few things to consider:
- What kind of system(s) do you want to use? How do you get them to your users?
- How do you make sure users know how to use VR and maximize their experience?
- Do you want to showcase VR in an event environment?
- How are you going to provide support and track success?
Those are just a few questions to get started! Here are a few of our insights.
1. What kind of system(s) do you want to use? How do you get them to your users?
Although VR is more ubiquitous by the day, many people still don’t have easy access to the hardware required. How are you going to provide the hardware needed for VR?
We always ask this first: “What is your goal?”
You can break that down by looking at:
- What your product is and what the ideal takeaway should be
- Who your audience is
- Where they’re located
- How many people you’re trying to reach
- How often they need to go through the experience
With that information, we can decide whether room-scale or mobile VR is a better fit. We can also create a custom kit that can be scaled to your audience, containing everything they need to experience your VR training or sales tool.
Depending on where your users are and how often they need to try your VR experience, we may suggest developing programs to either rent or purchase the hardware. That way, your long-term VR users can keep their hardware or short-term VR users can try it a few times and send it back. As an experienced logistics coordinator, Intracon can manage and track your hardware either way.
2. How do you make sure users know how to use VR and maximize their experience?
According to stats provider Statistica, active VR users are forecast to reach 171 million people in 2018. While that’s a lot of people, many still haven’t even tried VR or 360° video before, let alone setup the equipment and know how to use it. Just like using a personal computer in the 1980s or 90s, it takes a while for people to get used to new technologies.
When people are ill-prepared for VR, their willingness to try it decreases significantly. Fear of the unknown is a major deterrent.
Different people have different learning curves
Thankfully, we know a thing or two about introducing people to products! Intracon has developed countless instructional manuals and videos, plus hundreds of man hours handling VR hardware in just about every scenario you can think of. From home or office use to setting up VR in a conference or exhibit hall, we’ve tested it all. We can easily develop instructional assets tailored to your audience to ensure no VR setup snafus.
3. Do you want to showcase VR in an event environment?
One thing's for sure: VR makes serious waves at events, expos, and customer meetings. Not only does it get people excited, but it's also a great brand bolster if you want to showcase your company's advocacy for innovation.
But demoing VR to total newbies is no walk in the park! When people immerse themselves in VR for the first time, you're their lifeline. They might need you to guide them through the experience, help them if they have trouble interacting with VR objects, or save them if the hardware needs on-the-fly troubleshooting.
VR Demo Docent: The VR Newbie's lifeline
You also need to remember that if you decide to be the demo docent, you're less available to answer questions or focus on your sales conversations with spectators. And someone wearing VR goggles always draws a crowd of interested onlookers!
Knowing that, are you prepared to be a VR demo docent?
If you need a demo cheat sheet, you came to the right place. We've demonstrated VR at countless events over the past few years, so we know what makes a demo successful. We're happy to train your designated VR demo docent on all the best practices, frequently asked user questions, and last-minute hardware troubleshooting.
We also offer remote support, so we can be just a phone call or Skype message away if you have any questions.
Think you'd rather focus on your sales conversations? We recommend having two people dedicated to your demo: one to guide the user inside VR and another to chat and field questions from spectators. Divvying up those duties improves the experience for everyone.
What if you're more comfortable leaving demoing to the demo experts? We can take care of it! Intracon provides personnel support to take care of your VR users while you focus worry-free on your conversations with customers.
4. How are you going to provide support and track success?
So you’ve deployed your hardware to your audience. They have the setup guide or video. What comes next?
Depending on your audience, they may still have questions or need troubleshooting help at some point. You need to keep in touch to track the VR’s success, too.
Measuring VR's success for your application
Intracon offers in-person and remote support after your experience and hardware delivery. This can range from a 30-minute Skype call to make sure everything’s working as expected to meeting with the end user to configure the setup.
Just like any traditional training or sales initiative, we want to ensure you’ve achieved your goals and pinpoint areas for improvement. Intracon prepares questionnaires or interviews your end users to help you gauge the deployment’s success.
Those are just a few examples of the topics surrounding enterprise VR deployment. As you can tell, it goes far beyond just delivery of the experience itself.
But don’t let the logistics deter you from taking advantage of this incredible technology! Contact us today to see how Intracon can take your training, sales tools, or marketing to the next level in virtual reality.